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ENPAC产品能帮助满足NPDES和EPA 40 CFR122.26吗?
文章来源:ENPAC    点击数:1777    更新时间:2009/5/16 9:45:49    

Question: Do ENPAC products help users comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulation EPA 40CFR122.26?

Answer: YES.

NPDES is commonly called the “Storm Water Regulation” and requires implementation of “Best Management Practices” (BMP’s). A BMP is literally a course of action which, through its implementation helps “to manage the quantity and improve the quality of storm water runoff” and meets or exceeds the “Minimum Control Measures” performance objectives of the federal NPDES regulation for limiting the discharge of pollutants to surface water supplies via storm water runoff.

NPDES requires Minimum Control Measures to be put into place by activities in affected Urbanized Areas (UA). There are 405 Urbanized Areas in the US listed in Appendix 6 of the 2000 US Census. Urbanized Areas are not necessarily just cities, but also include suburbs and other nearby areas. Appendix 6 contains detailed maps of each Urbanized Area and can be accessed on-line through the US EPA Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) website WWW.EPA.GOV/OMW to determine if a particular place is in an affected UA.

The applicable regulations require affected activities to develop a program to manage storm water discharges from their facilities. This management program includes, among others, the development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) including BMP’s. The SWPPP identifies: Potential Sources of Pollution and Exposed Materials, including a History of Past Spills & Leaks; BMP’s; Non-Structural controls such as Good Housekeeping Practices and Spill Prevention & Response; and Structural controls such as Containment including Pollution Incident Prevention Plans (PIPP) and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans.


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